There is an alarming trend emerging in the Netherlands: an increasing number of dogs and cats are suffering from neglect as their owners can no longer afford the rising costs of veterinary care.
According to the 2023 annual report of the National Inspection Service for Animal Welfare (LID), published today, cases of neglected cats have increased by 22 percent in two years, while those of dogs have risen by 15 percent.
In some cases, the situation is so dire that the pets have been removed from their owners. Inspectors have reported shocking cases, including dogs without teeth and severely emaciated puppies.
An inspector describes: “I observed that there were no teeth left in the dog’s mouth. I also felt that the dog was skinny, feeling the ribs and hip bones protruding.”
Another distressing case involves dogs wearing diapers due to neglect: “At that moment I saw several dogs, all of them wearing a diaper, some combined with a onesie. I could also smell a strong odor of ammonia in this room.”
1. De stijging heeft volgens inspecteurs te maken met het volgende:
2. Steeds meer mensen kunnen een dierenarts niet meer betalen.
3. Het verslag is toch behoorlijk alarmerend
4. Flink schrikken als je de cijfers ziet!
5. Hartverscheurend dit verslag, mijn hart breekt.