Biologist and insect expert Arnold van Vliet warns of a potential mosquito plague of historic proportions, which could mean a summer full of nuisance.
Van Vliet states, “We need to seriously consider significant numbers.” The abundance of mosquitoes is attributed to the weather conditions of the recent period.
Due to the early warmth and abundant rainfall, mosquitoes have awoken from their winter slumber earlier and have multiplied rapidly.
Van Vliet notes, “The mosquito has had an excellent year so far.” He points out that the first generation of mosquitoes is already active, which is very unusual for this time of year, indicating a challenging summer ahead.
According to Van Vliet, there is only one hope for relief: a period of extreme drought this spring could help keep the mosquito population in check.
“But at the moment, things don’t seem to be heading in that direction. So, we are heading towards a summer full of mosquitoes,” Fortunately, we don’t have to spend the entire summer indoors.
1. Dit zou wel eens een horrorzomer kunnen gaan worden.
2. De bioloog voorspelt helaas weinig goeds.
3. Er zijn stappen die we kunnen nemen om overlast te verminderen.
4. Volgens de bioloog stevenen we af op een zomer met heel veel muggen
5. Van dit nieuws wordt je nou niet bepaald vrolijk.